Straight By ’03

Light is not a wave
Light is not a particle
Light is not a wave
Light is not a particle.

with small CLAWS
and sharp jagged TEETH
built for gnawing on meat.
(Light is not a wave,…..)

Einstein was wrong:
Einstein was wrong:
Einstein was wrong:
and you’d best throw all your books away.
you’d BEST throw all your books away

Light is not a wave, Light is not a particle

Man does not descend from monkeys
Man does not descend from birds
Man does not descend from fish
Man does not descend from microorganisms

MAN DESCENDS from the computer CHIP,
and the refrigerator,
and the FRYing pan.((frying pan))

Light is not a wave…..

:::Darwin was wrong:::
::Darwin was wrong::
:Darwin was wrong:

and you’d BEST throw all your books away.
you’d best throw all your BOOKS away

Better get it straight
by twenty-ought-three,
if you wanna join me
in the 21st century….

Or at the latest by
Twenty-ought- FIVE,
if you wanna be alive
when things really..
start to jive

God is love.
God is hate.
God is those two baked beans
left on your plate

Do unto others as they would never
in their wildest dreams conceive
of doing to you.

God is love. God is hate….

Jesus was wrong.
Mom and Dad were wrong.
Reagan was wrong
and you’d best throw all your books away.
you’d best throw all your books away

Better get it straight by twenty-ought-three
if you wanna join me in the 21st century

Or at the latest by twenty-ought-five,
if you wanna be alive when things really
start to jive

(lyrics: Dan Bern)

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